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How can I find all objects which have no references?

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I want to find a list of all objects of certain types (random containers and blend containers) which are not referenced by any events.

How can I achieve this?
最新提问 7月 14, 2023 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Lawrence S. (110 分)


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Hey Lawrence, 

Great question! Not sure if you can do that specifically, but how about reversing the search? 

For instance, start by finding all Random Containers and Blend Containers:
$ from type RandomSequenceContainer, blendContainer

... then copy the above list into a spreadsheet and search for all containers with reference to an Event Action:
$ from type RandomSequenceContainer, blendContainer select referencesto where type = "action" 

... and then go back to the target containers of the actions: 
$ from type RandomSequenceContainer, blendContainer select referencesto where type = "action" select target

From here, you could probably just filter the list of containers assigned to Event Actions, with the full list of random/blend containers in e.g. Google Sheet. Maybe something along the lines of...
=filter(A2:A, ISNA(MATCH($A2:A,$B$2:$B,0)))
... where A is the full list and B is the containers assigned to Event Actions.

If you're trying to clean out your Wwise project, here are a few other possibly useful WAQL sentences.
Get all empty Random or Sequence Containers: $ from type RandomSequenceContainer where childrenCount < 1
Get all Events with no Actions: $ from type Event where childrenCount < 1

Hope this works for you!

最新回答 7月 16, 2023 用户: Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,400 分)
I was trying to answer this question for a while last week and got stumped. This is a brilliant solution!