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Linker errors when building Wwise on iOS

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When trying to make an iOS build using Wwise Unity Integration at time of Local and Archive build seems to be missing a AK framework:

Unity Version : 2021.3.28f1
Wwise Version : 2021.1.7.7796
Xcode Version : 15.0.1

Error Message :

ld: Undefined symbols:

  _CSharp_AkChannelConfig_Ambisonic, referenced from:

      _AkSoundEnginePINVOKE_CSharp_AkChannelConfig_Ambisonic_m0647A7F6741678DAA98C6097477BE3FF00F3DC7B in AK.Wwise.Unity.API__1.o

  _CSharp_AkChannelConfig_Anonymous, referenced from:

      _AkSoundEnginePINVOKE_CSharp_AkChannelConfig_Anonymous_m9A6F6F606CE16D8F3CEAB9002AC9FCC03B7B367F in AK.Wwise.Unity.API__1.o

  _CSharp_AkChannelConfig_Object, referenced from:

      _AkSoundEnginePINVOKE_CSharp_AkChannelConfig_Object_m34AECA1BEF126E7EF018236A22CADBBE725F87D4 in AK.Wwise.Unity.API__1.o

  _CSharp_AkChannelConfig_Standard, referenced from:

      _AkSoundEnginePINVOKE_CSharp_AkChannelConfig_Standard_m6A9AD56838AED1D74716FD159C638854B82E472C in AK.Wwise.Unity.API__1.o

clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
最新提问 11月 1, 2023 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Manvendra D. (140 分)
I'm also seeing this in my projects with Xcode 15.0.1 and Unity 2022.3.14f1.

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