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Remote Connections Not Seeing Computer Wwise 101

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I'm trying to start Wwise 101 training. Whenever I open the Profiler to find my computer, nothing is appearing. I'm currently on Wwise 2022.1.9. I've tried with Wwise 2023.1.0 and it doesn't work either. I've tried other suggestions on the forum (turn firewall off, move installation to different drive, etc.) Nothing is working.

I've checked to make sure Wwise has Full Disk Access as well. I'm not sure what could be causing the issue at this point.

Any other things I should try? I'm on an Apple MacBook Pro M1 Max. Ventura 13.6.
最新提问 12月 21, 2023 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Dustin P. (100 分)

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