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How can I replace the original sounds with my own sounds in the Wwise Adventure Game?

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So I need the most simplified answer to this, if you can help me. I tried to replace the original sounds in the project the game comes with, then I save the project file, but when I try to play the game, the sounds doesn't change at all. Do I need to do this in Unity or something? I just want to see how my own sounds fit with the game.
最新提问 1月 6 分类:General Discussion | 用户: hugo a. (100 分)


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Hello Hugo, 

You can definitely replace the sounds in WAG with your own. After you've replaced the SFX > Audio Sources in the WAG Wwise project (while keeping the Event Action references to objects intact), you just need to Generate new SoundBanks and you should get the sounds into the game. 

That said, WAG is already a finished game with pre-created structure, so if you are a beginner, I would suggest you start by following the Wwise fundamentals and Wwise Unity integration course, to get familiar with that process. 

Let us know if this helps.

最新回答 1月 8 用户: Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,400 分)