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Is it possible to add music to the Limbo Wwise project?

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I wanted to use the Limbo Wwise project to implement interactive music. Will this be possible?
最新提问 2月 17 分类:General Discussion | 用户: nbj1598 (100 分)


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Hello NBJ1598,

Yes, you can definitely do so, but just keep in mind, that whenever you generate SoundBanks, ALL original sounds will no longer play in-game.
This is because the game can be downloaded with the pre-generated SoundBanks, but the Wwise project comes without the original sounds, so once you generate, Wwise won't be able to generate new ones.

Best of luck!
最新回答 4月 2 用户: Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,400 分)