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Reverb In Unity

0 votes
I've been having trouble getting a reverb zone to work properly within Unity. Currently, I'm creating the reverb zone with the AkEnvironment component on a box collider set to trigger and a rigidbody with no physics. The listener has an environment-aware AkGameObj component attached to it.

This all works perfectly if I walk in and out of the specified zone, but the problem I'm having is when the listener spawns within the collider. I've watched a couple of tutorials on this for Unity (all of which seem to be 5 years or older) and they say this is how you are supposed to set it up, so I have no idea what I'm missing. Unreal tutorials use a component called AkReverbVolume and those seem to work exactly how you'd expect them to when spawning into the space, so I'm feeling a bit jealous of Unreal users at the moment.

I know these forums are usually pretty empty, but I really need some help here. I can't believe that doing all this in Unreal is so easy, but for some reason just does not work in Unity. There has to be something I'm missing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
asked Feb 23 in General Discussion by Chance Roy (110 points)

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