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How to send MIDI notes to Wwise through Unity code?

+2 投票
Hey all!

In a game I'm working on, event triggers are supposed to make a MIDI note play (e.g. on enemy death it sends, say, a C#4 message to Wwise, which would receive the message and play the corresponding sound).  I understand that I use the key range filter to define which sound will play when the note message is received, but I'm confused regarding how to send the MIDI message to Wwise from code (csharp) in the first place.

Any help is appreciated.  Thanks!
最新提问 4月 4, 2015 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Thomas K. (120 分)


0 投票
Unfortunately, this is not currently possible. However, it is planned for later in 2015. Stay tuned!
最新回答 4月 9, 2015 用户: Benoit S. (Audiokinetic) (16,020 分)
Is this now possible with version 2016.1.1 ? I asked a question that should be processed soon regarding this. I see that there is the possibility to make AkMIDIPost instances that can be sent to Wwise with AkSoundEngine.PostMIDIOnEvent. Is this possible with C# code in Unity? The byNote and byVelocity values aren't recognized by the namespace...
Hi, I'd also like to know if this is now possible. Im trying with the code from https://www.audiokinetic.com/library/2016.1.1_5823/?source=SDK&id=quickstart__sample__integration__midi.html however I cant see  AkMidiPost.NoteOnOff

Please could somebody let me know if you could give me an example C sharp code for how to send a midi note from Unity to Wwise.

Ps Loving Wwise so far - really powerful !
How about in 2016.2.2.6022.430?