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Long delay in playback of sample

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In our game (for windows) we play a sound when a character makes certain movements. We are experiencing a problem where, when the player presses the key to make lots of these actions in quick succession, some of the sounds play a long time afterward - usually 30s to a minute.

The sounds are set up as children of squence container that is the child of a blend container. Sounds instances are limited to 8 per object, and the "kill voice/discard oldest instance" option is set in the playback limit.

From the profiler, the log for the sound in question (when the problem occurs) looks like:

Event Triggered



<long delay>

ExecuteActionOnEvent API called


End Reached

Event Finished


Any ideas what might be causing this delay? There are numerous cases of "Stopped due to playback limit" on other sounds in the log, but not in this sound in question. There are a lot of short duration sounds playing around the same time.
最新提问 12月 3, 2013 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Matt Hayward (130 分)

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