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Use wildcards in the filter search

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Hi !

In the documentation ("Use Tables"), it is said that we can use wildcards in the new generic filter search

"Enter any series of characters in the field, including numbers, letters, underscores, spaces, or wildcards (*)."

How is it supposed to work ? (it doesn't seem to work here, i'm using v2015.1 build 5418)

Thanks ! 

最新提问 9月 7, 2015 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Clément D. (200 分)


0 投票
This feature was removed for performance reasons, and was left in documentation by error.

We are sorry about that.
最新回答 9月 8, 2015 用户: Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 分)
采纳于 2月 29, 2016 用户:Clément D.