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What is your audio engine output format?

0 votes
Is the output object based or channel based? If it is object based, how many objects can it generate concurrently. If it is channel based, what channel formats are supported, mono/stereo/5.1/7.1? Anything else?


asked Sep 15, 2015 in General Discussion by Song W. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 15, 2015 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)
Thank you for your prompt answer.  Really appreciate it.

I have one additional following up questions.

* On Android, besides 48 kHz, what other sampling rates are supported?
* On Android, does the engine support 24 bit audio output?

Thank you,
internal processing inside Wwise is always 32-bit float.
no 24-bit output on Android.  But you can import 24-bit original audio files in Wwise.
We would advide to leave the Sample Rate at 48000 unless you want to diminish CPU usage, in which case you could set 32000.
Hi Bernard,

Thank you for your prompt response.  It helps a lot.

I heard that Android plans to support 24 bit audio.  Do you plan to support it?

Android is currently 16-bit output.
no 24-bit output plan.