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Cannot hear footsteps

0 投票

I am implementing character footsteps using wwise. I have created an event that links to a random container of footstep sounds. The container is configured to play in 3D with some attenuation over a range of 5000.

- If I create a AkAmbientSound with that event and place it in the world, I can hear it.
- If I add AkEvent anim notifies to my player character walk cycle, I can hear the footsteps
- If add AkEvent anim notifies to a NPC walk cycle, i CANNOT hear anything. However, If I then set the sounds to be 2D instead, they play.

I am guessing it has something to do with attenuation or audio source placement but I have not found a fix for this issue yet.

Any ideas?


最新提问 12月 10, 2015 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Marc F. (220 分)


+2 投票

Ok, I found the cause of my problem. The sounds were occluded by the charater the are playing on.

I fixed it quickly by adding the Actor owning the audio source Component to the list of actors to ignore (which contains the player controller Pawn)

In void UAkComponent::CalculateOcclusionValues(bool CalledFromTick), replace:

        bool bNowOccluded = GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(OutHit, SourcePosition, ListenerPosition, ECC_Visibility, FCollisionQueryParams(NAME_SoundOcclusion, true, ActorToIgnore));


        FCollisionQueryParams CollisionQueryParams(NAME_SoundOcclusion, true, ActorToIgnore);
        bool bNowOccluded = GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByChannel(OutHit, SourcePosition, ListenerPosition, ECC_Visibility, CollisionQueryParams);


最新回答 12月 10, 2015 用户: Marc F. (220 分)
采纳于 12月 10, 2015 用户:Bernard R. (Audiokinetic)
So, you have to recompile the engine to fix this? I am just starting out, and can't even get footstep sounds to play on the 3rd Person Character animations in 3D. They play in 2D, but when I switch them to 3D, they are no longer audible. Any advice? I am simply using the AK anim notify events as well.