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Where to get Unity integration packages?

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Simple question. Where on the Wwise website or elsewhere do I get Unity integration packages for Wwise for consoles? Are they on the Audiokinetic website, or will I have to find them off the private developer networks of the console holders?


最新提问 2月 9, 2016 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Kevin W. (100 分)


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The console integrations are 'protected' in the same way as the Wwise SDKs are for consoles.  For PS4, we require that developers visit the PS4 DevNet and validate their developer status there.  For Xbox One, it is a manual process where we contact our representative there, and get the go-ahead directly from them.  For WiiU (especially for Unity), we require that the user visit the WiiU Unity forums and either send me a DM there (AKMikeD) or post in the Audio/Wwise forum.  If you have a project ID in our system, then include that in the DM (not in the public post).  

Unfortunately, because each integration contains certain material protected by the platform holders, we have to jump through a few hoops.  Sometimes is takes a little while :).

Hope that clears things up!
最新回答 2月 9, 2016 用户: Mike D. (Audiokinetic) (3,860 分)