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Missing Header in UE4 4.8 Linux Cross-Compile

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I was recently tasked with adding Linux cross-compilation support to an existing UE4 project, and downloaded and configured the cross-compile toolchain successfully. (Calling %LINUX_ROOT%/bin/clang++ behaves as expected.) However, the UE4 project fails to compile because of a missing WWise header: "AkDefaultIOHookDeferred.h".

The header in question is available, but the structure of WWise is such that there are multiple versions of said header file, with the actual file to be included dependent on the platform.

Additionally, there is a related bit of platform strangeness with our current solution: while Linux is available in the solution platforms drop down, it is not available as an option in any of the configuration manager projects, and, if x64 is selected as the platform, the solution fails to find any of the engine header files, such as Core.h or UObject.h. The only way the project builds for Linux is to choose Win32. (Yet the default x64 platform is selected in the UBT config for Linux.)

Having never cross-compiled UE4 for Linux, I don't know what I should be seeing, but this is obviously incorrect, as it's not building. Does anyone have any suggestions?
最新提问 5月 2, 2016 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Steven D. (100 分)

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