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How to add a plugin to work with Wwise and Unity for 2016. No "RegisterAllBuiltInPlugins()"

+2 投票


Trying to install some 3D HRTF Audio plug-ins for wwise and unity integration. Currently attempting 3D Realspace. However it seems like the AK::SoundEngine::RegisterAllBuiltInPlugins() is deprecated. I also am trying to install the occulus audio sdk to test, but again I cannot find this call. How would I aim to install this plug-in through Wwise and Unity, for this newer version. I'm currently following this https://www.audiokinetic.com/library/2015.1_5418/?source=Unity&id=pg__unity__plugins.html
after many unsuccessful attempts.





最新提问 6月 23, 2016 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Zoe W. (150 分)
Experiencing exactly the same issue. Docs seem to refer to an obsolete function.

2 个回答

0 投票
Hi Zoe,

I am also having exactly the same issue!  Did you ever find a solution?


最新回答 9月 30, 2016 用户: Owain R. (150 分)
0 投票
Your link point to documentation pertaining to 2015.1.  As stated in the release notes, the plugin system changed in 2016.1.  For Unity, no compilation needed anymore.  Please check

最新回答 10月 6, 2016 用户: Mathieu J. (Audiokinetic) (7,120 分)
采纳于 10月 7, 2016 用户:Mathieu J. (Audiokinetic)