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Event duration is wrong when using harmonizer [已关闭]

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We are using duration and end of events callbacks to synchronise conversations in our game. Recently the audio designer added some harmonizer effect to one of the character bark, and the duration returned by the callback is completely wrong as a result.

The source sound is about 2.9s, but with the harmonizer active the callback returns about 14s. The effect defines two voices at -800/+500 pitch.

Note that the end of event callback is also delayed, and removing the harmonizer effect fixes the problem, so it seems there must be a bug somewhere where the low pitch voice is taken into account for the duration of the event when it shouldn't.

Any chance someone can look at that?



问题关闭原因: opened a ticket instead
最新提问 9月 29, 2016 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Marc A. (130 分)
已关闭 9月 30, 2016 用户:Marc A.