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How to use Wwise with OBB file with Unity 5.4.1 ?

0 votes

I've seen the help here :

But I can't figure out how to use this. My obb file is never unzipped or anything to my knowledge and it's re-added to my.apk during the download from the play store, so I do actually have a large apk file on the phone which means the soundbanks and here. And I am pretty sure I had it working at some point without using any of this.

I see no Wwise error  in the logcat but I have no sounds anymore, the only thing I updated is Unity from 5.4.0 to 5.4.1 and the cardboard SDK to GoogleVR sdk.

Is there a weird interaction between wwise and the googleVR sdk or something along those lines ?


Thanks for your answer.
asked Oct 11, 2016 in General Discussion by Thomas C. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Please check the latest documentation  (the link you refer to points to version 2015.1).  If you are still on 2015.1.x, you should upgrade to at least 2015.1.9 or 2016.1.3.  With these versions it will work out of the box.
answered Oct 11, 2016 by Mathieu J. (Audiokinetic) (7,120 points)