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When will the Wwise 101 certification course be updated to use Wwise 2016.1 ?

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The site just says this (and has said so for many weeks):

Please be aware that the Wwise-101 Certification Course is still based on the use of Wwise 2015.1. In the coming weeks, however, we will be updating it to comply with all the new features applicable to Wwise 2016.1.

最新提问 12月 31, 2016 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Cameron B. (500 分)


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Hey there Cameron,

Its in the plans, should be released very soon, but i can't give a date yet. But within a month it will be out, though i thought it will take that long.

Hope this helps,
最新回答 1月 18, 2017 用户: Maximilien S. (2,840 分)