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How to monitor the RTPC output of a meter effect within the authoring tool.

+3 投票

I'm wondering how I can monitor the RTPC output of a meter plugin (on an aux bus) just within the authoring tool?

When I try to monitor the RTPCon the Transport/Soundcaster game object, I only see the RTPC at default value.

I'm not seeing the RTPC value change as the meter output signal changes. I only see the RTPC value change if I change it manually in the transport or soundcaster.

Is there something strange going on here, with monitoring an RTPC value from a meter, where the transport or soundcaster is overriding the value to the default?

Anyone had this trouble before? I can monitor the value and meter correctly when connected to the game, so there is nothing wrong with the setup itself. Just monitoring this side-chain behavior in the authoring tool...

最新提问 2月 3, 2017 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Simon G. (990 分)
So to clarify, this seems to only be a problem if the meter is on a bus. Monitoring of the RTPC value works as expected in the game sync monitor IF the meter effect is in the Actor-Mixer hierarchy.
Seems that there is an issue with the scope of the RTPC when it's global, and the soundcaster/transport is playing the voice.


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Yes, I've noticed this discrepancy as well in the Game Object Profiler.  If I'm testing/previewing stuff in the tool, then I monitor what's coming from Transport/Soundcaster.  But when connected to a game, I'll add a watch to the parameter coming from the Game Object, to see what's going on there.  It was a bit confusing at first until I figured that out.
最新回答 3月 2, 2017 用户: Monty M. (2,680 分)