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Failed To Load Sound Bank in UE4

0 投票
So i have Wwise integrated with UE4...

But It keeps telling me "failed to load bank" in Wwise's capture log. I googled and googled and googled.... Where is it??

Once we get the sound banks loaded, how do i get the sounds in? Via blueprint? I'm not that good at coding, i'm strictly audio so any help or step by step walkthrough would be appreciated!
最新提问 7月 15, 2014 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Andrew K. (100 分)
Same problem here. Compiled latest integration at the time of writing (4.9), using Wwise SDK v2015.1.4 and I have no sound whatsoever in the WwiseDemoGame. Unreal reports 'failed to load sound band' for everything.

@Andrew did you ever find a solution for that problem?


+2 投票
Found the problem - you need to generate the sound banks, which is done on the Unreal side: https://gyazo.com/dbe2f1e71bb29dc65ea8d57a3b9369c2
最新回答 12月 6, 2015 用户: Timothee B. (180 分)
Nice, it worked, thanks! I've been struggling with this "issue" for a while ^^