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Is it possible to play sounds in reverse?

+2 投票
Is it possible to replay sounds in reverse similar to how it happens in the game Braid?

I'm trying to figure out how to achieve this effect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxXkcg-stLE#t=4m46s
最新提问 11月 14, 2017 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Michael C. (130 分)


0 投票
Hi there,

There is a blog that talked about a similar technique,

They prepared 2 versions of the sample for every sound,

one is normal another is reversed.

And used seek and get-source position for curser tracking

Hope it helps
最新回答 10月 19, 2020 用户: Hou Chenzhong (Audiokinetic) (6,010 分)