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Ho do I change the Project Leader?

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I'm leaving the company and want to assign someone else as project leader, how do I do this?
最新提问 11月 24, 2017 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Seb C. (100 分)


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The ability to change a project leader is only available on our side, for security reasons.  But, it's a pretty easy process. First, make sure the person you want to be the new leader is a member of the project.  Then, use the Contact Sales button to send in a mail to the DevRel team here, listing out the Project ID and the name of the person you want to be the new leader.

We'll take care of it, and you'll be all set.

Hope that helps!
最新回答 11月 24, 2017 用户: Mike D. (Audiokinetic) (3,860 分)