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Wwise Forgetting Perforce Settings (and Launcher forgetting recent projects)

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Recently got Perforce integrated in a new Wwise project, however we've been noticing that every time we launch wwise, it's forgotten that it should connect by perforce and we have to go in and set it up every time. This is happening both on a Windows machine, and on a mac running the Windows version through Parallels (as Perforce integration doesn't work on the mac version at all).

Can anyone help with this, as it's a pain in the arse.

Also incedentally noticing that the Wwise launcher never seems to remember my recent project when I open it, although it goes straight to the right location when I go to open a new one. Not a huge deal, but thought I should mention it in case it's related.
最新提问 2月 13, 2018 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Jeremy C. (100 分)


+1 投票
Hi Jeremy,

At first sight, it sounds like your project's user settings file ".wsettings" might be set as read only, which would explain why your settings are forgotten every time you launch Wwise.

You can locate the .wsettings file right next to your .wproj file and make sure it is not set as read only.

Also, make sure this file is not added to your perforce depot since perforce will automatically add the read only flag when the file is not checked out.

Hope this helps
最新回答 2月 19, 2018 用户: Martin S. (590 分)
Perforce settings are not properly parsed in Wwise