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Request: Random LFOs

0 投票

I've run in to a few scenarios where I could benefit from a RTPC being controlled by an LFO that is random wave, as opposed to just a cyclical sine, triangle, square, etc.

I feel like I've seen waves like this as options in other applications - usually something like a 'rounded' random oscillator to prevent sharp changes, random 'square' type of oscillator, and a full on random 'noise'-like oscillator.


Right now my work around is to have a few sine LFOs with some randomness on the parameters, but a proper random LFO would work much better!


最新提问 2月 13, 2018 分类:Feature Requests | 用户: Blake (420 分)


+1 投票
Take a look at the Waveform dropdown in the LFO general settings, there is a Random waveform. It selects a random value per cycle. You can even use the smoothing property with it.
最新回答 2月 14, 2018 用户: Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,410 分)
采纳于 3月 1, 2018 用户:Blake
Ah!  I see they added this feature in to the 2017 version... Should have looked at that first. >.<