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Documentation: Valid AkGameObjectID range

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What is the valid range of values that an AkGameObjectID can have in Wwise SDK 2017.X.X?

In the Migration Notes it mentions that AkGameObjectID is now a 64-bit unsigned on all platforms, and that it can range from 0 to 0x‭FFFFFFFFFFFFFFDF‬ (-33).  See here ("The valid game object ID range has changed"):


In the Integration Details for Game Objects, however, it seems to tell a different story.  It says AkGameObjectID is an unsigned 32-bit integer and that you can use any ID that is not 0x00000000, 0x00000001 or 0xFFFFFFFF (-1).  See here:


This is probably just a case of documentation that wasn't updated.  I assume that the Migration Notes for 2017 takes precedent since AkGameObjectID is an AkUInt64 in the SDK, but I couldn't find any other values in the SDK that defines the valid/invalid ID range.  Should we enforce this ID range in our engine code?


最新提问 3月 12, 2018 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Eric P. (100 分)


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What is the valid range of values that an AkGameObjectID can have in Wwise SDK 2017.X.X?

There was some confusion and a slight change of direction when listener ids initially became part of the game object id address space. The answer to your question depends on X.X. from 2017.1.1 the answer is 0x0-0x‭FFFFFFFFFFFFFFDF for example.

| In the Integration Details for Game Objects, however, it seems to tell a different story.

This resource is out of date and should be updated.

Should we enforce this ID range in our engine code?

I'd strongly recommend it, I'd go lower than the current max for when they run out of space next i.e 0x0-0x‭‭7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF is probably a reasonable max.



最新回答 3月 26, 2018 用户: Dan M. (380 分)
Yes, the Integration Details - Game Objects page of the SDK doc needs to be updated. For our next patch release, Wwise 2017.2.3, it will be.