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Perforce settings are not properly parsed in Wwise

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We use a perforce p4port that is of the form ssl:ww.xx.yy.zz:ports

Wwise seems to incorrectly parse this form of p4port and we have to change the perforce settings every time we open wwise.  The setting gets stored in the wsettings file correctly,  but upon opening wwise, the perforce settings are hosed:

<Property Name="General\Source Control\Perforce\Version 1\P4Server" Type="string" Value="ssl:ww.xx.yy.zzz"/>

When opening the perforce settings in Wwise, I see:

Server:     ssl

Port:  ww (the same ww as above).

The problem seems to be that wwise is parsing for the : and assuming that everything after is the port and not accounting for the fact that ssl: is a valid prefix to a perforce port.
最新提问 5月 8, 2018 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Mark A. (130 分)

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