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Stop looped sound by the end of a one-shot sound

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Is there a way to stop a looped sound, e.g. crackling noise of a radio, by the end of a randomly picked (therefore varying length) "one-shot" audiofile?
最新提问 7月 1, 2018 分类:Feature Requests | 用户: Philipp B. (100 分)


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You can use "Post Event".

I suppose the crackling noise is basically a random container with several variations of different length. Look into the Play Event of the crackling noise. Add the action type "Post Event" to the list of actions. Right-click into the empty target filed of the Post Event, browse for the loop's Stop Event. This should stop the loop after the crackling noise has ended regardless of its length. Hope it helps!
最新回答 10月 5, 2018 用户: Christian S. (530 分)