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Cannot find or access WAG, using Wwise 2018.1.0 6714

0 votes
can't find it in Unity I have to go backwards and download an older version of Wwise or ? its either not there where its supposed to be in the documentation or its greyed out....weird....should be easy...
asked Sep 6, 2018 in General Discussion by kirk f. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hey Kirk

You'll find the Wwise Adventure Game in the Wwise Launcher > Samples. Once it's downloaded, you can open both the Unity and Wwise project from there. If you don't see any Audiokinetic menu in Unity once you've opened WAG, something in the Unity initialization could have gone wrong. In that case, you can uninstall and install WAG, or simply delete the Library folder and reopen the WAG Unity project. 

In regards to Wwise and Unity versions, using newer versions should not be a problem. 
* Note that, if you are following the Wwise-251 or Wwise-301 courses, I'd advise you to use the same Unity and Wwise versions, to ensure that the course material steps will be accurate. 

Hope this helps! 

answered Jan 5, 2019 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,060 points)