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Typing in Wwise used to scroll to objects that began with those letters, but not in Wwise 2018

0 投票
In previous versions of Wwise, typing in one of the views would scroll to objects that began with those letters. Beginning with 2018, that behavior is no longer present. This is pretty awkward for larger projects with lots of objects. Can AK please restore that behavior?
最新提问 10月 6, 2018 分类:Feature Requests | 用户: Boon S. (110 分)


+1 投票
Thank you for reporting. This behavior was accidentally removed. The fix will be included in 2018.1.3. (For reference WG-39765)
最新回答 10月 9, 2018 用户: Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,410 分)
修改于 10月 12, 2018 用户:Bernard R. (Audiokinetic)