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Resonance and Unreal integration

+1 投票

I am using Unreal 4.19 (a custom engine branch), Visual Studio 2017 and Wwise 2017.2.6636. I tried to integrate Resonance within Unreal by:

  1. Installing Wwise authoring tools (said installation contain Resonance plugin)
  2. Installing Wwise Unreal Engine integration files as a project plugin (said installation contain Resonance plugin)
  3. Follow instructions found at https://developers.google.com/resonance-audio/develop/wwise/game-engine-integration
  4. Linking ResonanceAudioFX fails (not finding ResonanceAudioFX.lib).
When not doing step 4, I noticed that Resonance plugin can still be enabled. Platforms can set Resonance as a spatializer/reverb plugin but not as occlusion plugin. My questions are:
  1. How one properly integrates Resonance?
  2. How one properly use Resonance through Unreal and Wwise?
  3. Why occlusion plugin cannot be set to Resonance?
最新提问 10月 14, 2018 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Jean-François G. (160 分)
Hi!, where you able to solve this?


0 投票
Any news on this one?
最新回答 10月 15, 2021 用户: Balandino Di Donato (580 分)