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Is it possible to start playing Wwise and a DAW at the same time with a control surface?

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I am currently creating / composing a new score for a video game. I gradually integrate the musical elements in the Interactive Music Hierarchy, but I work in parallel with my DAW to find new ideas ...
My question is simple:
Is it possible to start playback at the same time Wwise and another DAW (Logic, Ableton, ...). This allows to play the sequences made in Wwise AND to search for new sounds, materials, melody ...
Does anyone ever try it?
If so, how to do it, at home it does not work. I have the Keylab 61 from Arturia.

Thank you for your answers

Théophile Demarcq
最新提问 1月 18, 2019 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Théophile Demarcq (1,550 分)


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Relatively new to wwise, but from an audio perspective it may be possible using SMPTE as an audio track, or using 'start on note' midi trigger.

If you have a DAW with timecode sync capabilities (say Pro tools with a sync io) . You could record smpte timecode  as an audio track. Play back this audio file from an interactive music hierarchy via a unique audio output into your DAW timecode in on your DAW.

If you wanted to use midi (probably easier) you could set up your DAW to 'start on note trigger' and drop the corresponding midi trigger into your music section at the start on its own track


EDIT - Just realise of course that youd need to be able to get midi out of wwise. Im not sure if it will do that.
最新回答 1月 21, 2019 用户: damon i. (890 分)
修改于 1月 21, 2019 用户:damon i.