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Oculus Spatializer with Unity 2018.2.10 and wwise 2018.1.5 not working on Android

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I've been trying to build a project having the OculusSpatializer plugin for Android (actually an apk for Oculus Quest) and while I do have sound just fine, the plugin is not seen. I know it's not a problem in my Wwise project since it works just fine in the editor on Windows.


Is there any steps that are not told in the documentation for an android plugin?


I did put libOculusSpatializerWwise2018 on the DSP folder of the arm7 folder in Unity, I feel like it is actually seen because if I change the name of something like that I don't get sounds in the build anymore.

When I do adb logcat I see no errors.

It's also worth saying that it used to work with wwise 2017 and the 2017 integration.


Thanks for the help.
最新提问 2月 7, 2019 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Thomas C. (100 分)
Hey, were you ever able to fix this, I have the same issue.

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