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RTPC controls Switch Container in the scope of an actor

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I'm trying to set switches on a switch container with an RTPC at the actor level.

In this example the SwitchGroup "Element_Engine_State" is controlled by the "RTPC Engine_PowerVariation". This is set in the GameSync tab, in the SwitchGroup declaration. 

The problem is this SwitchGroup & RTPC are shared between multiple actors, and I want different switch-rtpc values for different actors (Switch Containers).

I expected to find a "Switch" property in the SwitchContainer RTPC tab but there is not.

I searched all across the switch container documentation, I did'nt find any clue. is this possible natively?

Thanks for your answer!

asked Mar 27, 2019 in General Discussion by Maxime F. (150 points)

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