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Unreal Wwise Integration Spatial Audio AkComponent Missing

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I have an Unreal 4.22 and the Wwise Integration 2019.1.0.6947.1305,
When i upgrade the Wwise in my Project, the feature "Spatial Audio" in an akComponent, i dragged and dropped in my scene, isn't accessible.

But when i open the WwiseAudioLab project without upgrading the Wwise in Project, i can access to those parameters.
Do i miss something ?

最新提问 5月 9, 2019 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Maxime T. (140 分)


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Hello, this issue is fixed in Wwise UE4 Plug-in version 2019.1.1.6977.1336 that just came out today.
最新回答 5月 13, 2019 用户: Fabien B. (Audiokinetic) (12,860 分)