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Does Wwise instance audio sources that are used in more than one place?

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Apologies for the noob question, but I wanted to double check something...

I'm working on a dynamic soundtrack that uses loops of music. You can see the structure here:


When I look in my conversion settings editor, I see multiple conversions of the same clips:

Does Wwise use individual data for clips that have been copy/pasted to various places? Or does it use just one audio file and instance it?


最新提问 7月 17, 2019 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Dan T. (100 分)


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Hi Dan,

Firstly, you can always check the contents of a soundbank by; going to the Soundbanks view ( F7 ), selecting the soundbank that contains the media for these music segments, selecting the edit tab and then seeing what's including in the bank.

In your specific example the media should be included once in the bank - do check using the above method however. I did a similar test myself and can confirm that when the structure is copied the media is not duplicated.

Media is only duplicated when it is required to present in different banks, required to be streamed by some structures and in memory by others, by shareset conversion settings by different for seperate instances that reference the same original or by being trimmed.

Hope that helps,

Dan Murray
最新回答 8月 1, 2019 用户: Dan M. (2,640 分)