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Premake option for plugin development: No premake options available

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I'm trying to make my first plugin for Wwise. I follow the steps as described here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOZPi2rtfQo

When I get to the premake step, no target platforms are avaible. When accessing the help using the -h flag, it says: 

positional arguments:

  platform    platform to premake ()

According to the video, there should be platforms available and listed in the parentheses.

I'm running on a MacBook with OSX 10.11. 

Am I missing something super fundamental here?

Is it maybe impossible to create Plugins on mac, due to Wwise itself running in Wine?


Thanks in advance!

最新提问 9月 10, 2019 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Daniel S. (100 分)


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Make sure you have selected the platforms you wish to build. On a Mac, you only have access to the build environment for Apple platforms (macOS, iOS and tvOS). Because the the Wwise Authoring application runs through Wine on Mac, it expects a Microsoft Windows DLL as authoring plug-in libraries built using a vc14x toolset, and so is unavailable on macOS.

The easiest way to then test your Authoring plug-in DLL on macOS would be to generate the bundle and install it from a directory or an archive in the Wwise Launcher.
最新回答 5月 22, 2020 用户: Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23,300 分)
I am having an issue try to "build" it for Mac. Could you help me?