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Best way to play multiple music switch containers synchronously at once?

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Hi all,

I'm working on a project that requires five music switch containers that each contain two voices playing four bar loops and they have to play simultaneously. Each of those loops have a couple variations to them that they switch between at random intervals. Each of these switch containers need to be able to advance to different sets of loops independently but they always have to remain in sync with each other.

In my mind right now, the way to go about this is using events to start all of these loops simultaneously and then being very careful about my transition strategy to keep these loops transitioning how I'd like?

Or is there a better, more straightforward way to do this?

最新提问 10月 2, 2019 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Zach B. (100 分)


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This is a method I've used in the past as well. Unfortunately there is no blend container equivalent in the music hierarchy. This is a feature I've been hoping to see for some time.
最新回答 10月 2, 2019 用户: Beatrix M. (450 分)
It's good to hear that my proposed method is a viable one at least! Seeing as you've done this before, do you have any pieces of advice or cautionary tales that you might be able to impart on me as I go about implementing this system?

The only thing I would suggest is exploring switch tracks within music segments, if you haven't yet. These are less flexible, but with each of those separate music events you introduce another chance for something to go wrong and break your sync - Anywhere you can reduce the number of events and bundle functionality in less hierarchies, the more you reduce the chance of bugs and things going wrong.