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When opening Cube on Mac Catalina I get the error: “SDL2.framework” is damaged and can’t be opened

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WHen I try to open Cube on Catalina I get the error

    “SDL2.framework” is damaged and can’t be opened

Does anyone have a solution for this

I have installed the SDL2.framework as instructed
最新提问 3月 25, 2020 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Tom D. (180 分)

2 个回答

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You have to download the SDL2 from its original web page. It happened me too. It seems that the file that audiokinetic has is broken. If you check the error message it would show you were you can get it
最新回答 3月 25, 2020 用户: Marcos A. (140 分)
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Hi Tom,

I was just running into the same problem as you.

After a bit of digging, it looks like the link that's provided by Wwise isn't the most up-to-date version of the SDL framework.

If you follow this link: https://www.libsdl.org/download-2.0.php and download the 'Runtime Binaries: Mac OS X: SDL2-2.0.12.dmg'.

Then just follow the same installation instructions as stated on the Wwise Cube Integration page and it should work!

Hope this helps! :)

最新回答 3月 27, 2020 用户: Beth (500 分)
采纳于 5月 13, 2020 用户:Samuel L. (Audiokinetic)
I can't find Mac OS X: SDL2-2.0.12.dmg anywhere on GitHub