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Is the Auro 3D plug in Wwise only designed for VR audio? Does it have benefits to standard stereo or 5.1 formats?

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Is the Auro 3D plug in Wwise only designed for VR audio? Does it have benefits to standard stereo or 5.1 formats?
asked Apr 15, 2020 in General Discussion by Chris B. (100 points)

1 Answer

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This plugin is mostly useful for binaural (headphone listening) it is an HRTF encoder. The main advantage is that it works on a lot of different platforms. There are several platform specific HRTF plugins, the one that works on more and is free is the Google Resonance plugin. But it is not supported  on all platforms. There would be no advantage to listeners with standard stereo monitoring and it would not be benficial to listners who had , 5.1 or 7.1 setups
answered Apr 20, 2020 by Simon P. (590 points)