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headphone output in Wwise

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Hi! I'm working through 101on Mac  at the moment and I'm trying to listen to my blaster sound but the sound isn't coming through my headphones at all? I've tried changing the audio preferences in Wwise but it doesn't seem to be picking up my headphones port as an option. Any help would be great as I've been using Wwise for a total of 5 hours and am a bit clueless. Thank you!
最新提问 5月 1, 2020 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Niamh M. (130 分)


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Hey Niamh,

Did you try closing Wwise, make sure the default output on your mac is set to your blaster sound and then reopen Wwise? On Mac the Automatic switching may not work properly, unless you restart Wwise.

Let me know if this helps!
最新回答 5月 1, 2020 用户: Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,400 分)