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Why our Unity builds contain the generatedsoundbanks of all the other builds?

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Why our Unity builds contain the generatedsoundbanks of all the other builds?
An example:

Our android build, when looking at the audio/generatedsoundbanks folder, I can find folders for all other platforms (android, switch, ios, windows) and the folders contain the soundbanks as well. It did not do this before. What does control what get copied per platform at build time.

Thank you
最新提问 5月 12, 2020 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Lars R. (100 分)


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In our projects, we had to create a preprocess build script to flush irrelevant folder from other platforms. Sadly, I can't share that code. I really hope that this problem will be addressed properly.
最新回答 5月 15, 2020 用户: Guillaume S. (180 分)