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Wwise Recorder Plugin Game use

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Is the wwise recorder plugin able to be used as a game feature? Such as recording a file that the players could then interact with? Or is it just meant for designers to capture playback?
最新提问 5月 12, 2020 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Brian L. (100 分)

2 个回答

–1 投票

The plug-in can be used in both scenarios, but keep in mind it will rewrite the same file for each instance.

Specifications of the plug-ins can be found here: https://www.audiokinetic.com/library/edge/?source=Help&id=wwise_recorder_plug_in_effect

最新回答 8月 28, 2020 用户: Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23,320 分)
0 投票

You can try this mothed:       AkSoundEngine.StartOutputCapture(fileName);

The code example in Unity:



最新回答 4月 21, 2021 用户: Hu X. (140 分)