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Unreal: Where's the listener?

+1 投票

Coming from Unity, I'm used to having a listener script attached to my camera.

After integrating Wwise into my Unreal Project, I have this issue where only non-positional sounds work.

If I check the 3D/Camera mode in the WWise profiler, I can see that the listener is stuck somewhere way off, and not attached to my Camera object. This object is named WorldSettings_1.AkListener_NewScene(Editor).

Am I missing something here or did something go wrong with my integration? I can't find any listener components or blueprint methods of any kind.

WWise version: 2019.2.1

Unreal version: 4.25.0

最新提问 5月 19, 2020 分类:General Discussion | 用户: 01F0 (240 分)

2 个回答

0 投票
In UE4 the listener defaults to the player's camera but I believe the player controller handles afterwards as there is a BP node called SetAudioListenerOverride on the player controller that you can use to set the position of the listener manually. Before you start messing around with listener positions, I would try setting the occlusion refresh rate to 0 on the AkComponent in the Blueprint to see if that's what is causing the issue.
最新回答 5月 19, 2020 用户: James L. (250 分)
Thanks for your answer, it helped me in the right direction. It turns out I needed to re-scale my distance units.

I should have mentioned I was porting an old WWise project which was set to Unity units (1 per meter). I needed to be 7 centimeters away to hear my sound.. :)
–1 投票

My issue turned out to be an edge case. I should have mentioned I was actually porting an old Unity Wwise project to Unreal.

My attenuation settings were set to Unity units (1 unit = 1 meter) so now I have to rescale them in WWise.

Another way to rescale them seem to be through the AkComponent's Attentuation Scaling Factor, but that's per object and I don't know of a global setting.

最新回答 5月 20, 2020 用户: 01F0 (240 分)
Just for the record, I experienced the same issue with porting a Wwise unity project to UE5.3. As was suggested, all I needed to do was update the attenuations (multiply max by 100) in each case and it all worked.