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Struggling to create banks for micromanagment with WAAPI.

0 votes

Dear all.
I'm trying to use WAAPI to create banks for media micro managment. I was hoping to use information about Switch Container hierarchy returned by ak.wwise.core.soundbank.generated to create banks for each Switch Value but the only information available is media shortId that I'm struggling to populate banks with. So my question is is it even possible to create such banks with WAAPI utilizing information Switch Container hierarchy provides?


asked Jun 18, 2020 in General Discussion by Łukasz R. (190 points)
did you look at ak.wwise.core.switchContainer.getAssignments to get the switch container assignments?
Sorry for late reply.
I was already using getassignments, but scanning all of events actions for possible switch container recursively on a large project took tremendous amount of time. I ednded up with narrowing my search to just events that contain a switch container and I was able to do it with information provided by generated topic. Thanks.

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