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bantuan weise

0 投票
I use wwise 2019 ... I created a wav file and then I converted it to wem, the game crashed and it didn't work. When I made a sound bank wem (not vorbiss) ... even though I used another wem so ... then what is the use of wwise?
最新提问 6月 29, 2020 分类:General Discussion | 用户: andre b. (100 分)
重新分类 7月 29, 2020 用户:Guillaume R. (Audiokinetic)


0 投票

Hey Andre, 

Sorry to hear you're having problems with your game. We'll probably need more info on the crash to help you out. Any way to see your crash log with your game engine, or see what kind of errors you get? 

"When I made a sound bank wem (not vorbiss) ..."
- Just a thought... do you know that you "can" have vorbis audio inside a .WEM file? A WEM file is like a container of audio data, which could be PCM, Vorbis, AAC, and so on. Just like a WAV file contains PCM data. (more about the .WEM format in the Wwise 251 course)

Let us know if this helps!


最新回答 6月 30, 2020 用户: Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,400 分)
修改于 6月 30, 2020 用户:Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic)