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Unreal Wwise Integration plays duplicated sound in all PIE.

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In unreal engine 4, when i test my game in 2 or more PIE, every single camera gets sound of other pie's sound events.

So, if I test with 2 PIE, every sound's volume is doubled (TwT).

If I test with 4 Pie, its' quadrupled!!!!!!

How can I handle this issue?
最新提问 7月 14, 2020 分类:General Discussion | 用户: 태한 (170 分)


0 投票
Remove connection to other PIE's listner -

Default Listner is automatically bind to all PIE's camera, so you have to remove it and make new one.

Mute volume on lost focus -

override  UGameViewportClient::ReceivedFocus and
SetOutputBusVolume(0.f) for all AkComponent which set as listner.
最新回答 8月 7, 2020 用户: 태한 (170 分)