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Wwise adventure game and Catalina

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Am I correct in assuming that The WAG is not playable on catalina because the Version of Unity necessary will not run on Catalina?
最新提问 7月 18, 2020 分类:General Discussion | 用户: Tom D. (180 分)


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Hi Tom,

The Wwise Adventure Game Unity project should work just fine. However, for using Wwise you should probably download the latest version "Wwise Adventure Game 2019.2.5" which is compatible with Catalina.

That said, if you are following the Wwise-251 or Wwise-301 certification, you would need to download WAG 2019.1.4, and then use a newer version of Wwise that is compatible with Catalina, like Wwise 2019.1.10. As long as you're just using a newer minor (2019.1.x) version, you should be quite safe.
最新回答 10月 30, 2020 用户: Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,400 分)