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Mac OS Big Sur Compatability

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Any word on Wwise being compatible with Mac OS Big Sur when it releases?
最新提问 11月 5, 2020 分类:Feature Requests | 用户: SoundsByDane (140 分)

2 个回答

0 投票
I am new to this. I might get nuedo one day. They have not said anything about it. I am currently on Mac OS Catalina. I recommend staying and wait. Sometimes they take a long time to become compatible.
最新回答 11月 19, 2020 用户: Cris G. (140 分)
+1 投票

Hey SoundsByDane and Cris, 

Did you read this? https://info.audiokinetic.com/applesiliconfaq
"Based on our preliminary testing, Wwise 2019.2.7* and up, as well as the Wwise Launcher, should continue working after an upgrade to macOS Big Sur."

Let us know how it goes.

最新回答 11月 24, 2020 用户: Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,400 分)
采纳于 12月 15, 2022 用户:Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic)