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Is there a way to access the Object Color in Code?

–1 vote
We are looking to use the Object Color in Wwise to have a quick view of the State of our VO Lines. We want to be able to match the Object Color of the VO Files State at the Import.

Example : Robot VO will be tag as Red, Temp as Yellow, and Final at Green...

Is there an actual way to do that without doing it manually in wwise?
asked Nov 10, 2020 in Feature Requests by Frédéric A. (220 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Yes, but it requires some hacking and/or programming skills

  • Edit: [INSTALL_DIR]\Authoring\Data\WObjects\WObjects.xml     
  • Search for "OverrideColor"
  • Change the IsVisible to "true", like this:
<Property Name="OverrideColor" Type="bool" IsVisible="true" DisplayName="Override Color">
  • Restart Wwise
Then, use the Tab Delimited Import or WAAPI

Tab Delimited (

Import a TSV that set the Color and OverrideColor properties: (replace the arrow by actual TAB character)

Audio File→Object Path→Object Type→@Color→@OverrideColor
D:\wave\cues\1.wav→\Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\Default Work Unit\1→Sound→10→true
D:\wave\cues\2.wav→\Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\Default Work Unit\2→Sound→7→true
D:\wave\cues\3.wav→\Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\Default Work Unit\3→Sound→0→false

WAAPI Import

Getting started with WAAPI:

Importing Audio File with WAAPI:

Also look at this example to retrieve the colors from WAAPI.

answered Nov 10, 2020 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)
By the way, the fix for WObjects.xml has been scheduled for Wwise 2019.2.8.