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Different Volumes for Multi Position Game Objects

0 votes

Hey folks! 

So I'm trying to crowbar in multi position emitters to our existing engine :slightly_smiling_face: I have the base implementation set up and working, but I'm having a little trouble with occlusion. Our engine works by applying an RTPC based on the occlusion zone the game object is in; this obviously isn't going to work for multi position game objects as I could have a point in an occlusion zone, and another outside.So I'm trying to use the AK_SpeakerVolumeMatrix callback to fake occlusion:          

AkSpeakerVolumeMatrixCallbackInfo* info = reinterpret_cast<AkSpeakerVolumeMatrixCallbackInfo*>( callbackInfo );
if( info == nullptr )

// set up the speaker volumes event and broadcast the (in my test case, 2)
int numPoints = info->pContext->GetNum3DPositions();

// initialize the event that retrieves the occlusion values
speakerVolumeEvent->SetPlaylistData( ndSoundHandle(info->playingID), info->gameObjID, numPoints ); 

// broadcast the event and retrieve the occlusion values (in my test  case, [0.0f, 1.0f])

vector<ndFloat> occlusionValues = speakerVolumeEvent->GetPointOcclusionValues();

AkEmitterListenerPair emitterListenerPair;

for( ndU32 i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i )
   info->pContext->Get3DPosition( i, emitterListenerPair );
   emitterListenerPair.fDryMixGain = 1.0f - occlusionValues[i];
   emitterListenerPair.fGameDefAuxMixGain = 1.0f - occlusionValues[i];
   emitterListenerPair.fUserDefAuxMixGain = 1.0f - occlusionValues[i];

   emitterListenerPair.fOcclusion = occlusionValues[i];
   if( occlusionValues[i] > 0.0f )
        emitterListenerPair.fDistance *= 1000.0f;

In my test case I have one game object in an occlusion zone, and one outside it - so I set the occluded game object's occlusion value to 1.0f, and the other to 0.0f. But no matter  how I adjust the emitter-listener pairs it doesn't seem to make a difference to the final output volume. 

Is it possible to control an individual point's volume?



asked Dec 8, 2020 in General Discussion by Oliver S. (310 points)

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