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Beta 2021.1 - Suggestions/ Questions: WAQL

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Thanks for testing out the Wwise 2021.1 Beta! Here are some resources to get you started and questions we've mapped for feedback.

WAQL (Wwise Authoring Query Language)


  • Open the List View and type: $ where volume = 0
  • Change the volume property for a sound in your project to -5
  • Now change the WAQL Query in the List view to: $ where volume < 0


  • Did you succeed in building a WAQL query and seeing the results of the query filtered in the List View?


最新提问 12月 18, 2020 分类:Beta Feedback | 用户: Damian K. (420 分)


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To get you started, you can also watch this One Minute Wwise on Finding Objects using WAQL.

最新回答 4月 14, 2021 用户: Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,400 分)